
mindfully being with ease and kindness


Meditation practice groups

  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Pascale De Coninck:

Mindfulness Meditation Group Carrigtwohill.

This group offers a welcome to all who wish to practice insight or mindfulness meditation, whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to meditation. 

The aim of the group is to support each other in developing or maintaining mindfulness practices which helps us gain insight in our mind, emotions and body as well as cultivate compassion in our daily lives. 

The meditation group gathers in The Well, Carrigtwohil on the 3rd Monday of the month from 8 pm until 9.30 pm.

The meeting starts with a 30 minute meditation practice. This is followed by a short teaching and a period where we support each other with our daily mindfulness practice. The evening ends with a short meditation in response to what arises in the discussions in the group.


Mindfulness Practice group Douglas, Cork

This group offers continued support to those who have followed an “8-week mindfulness course”.

It’s aim is to create a space where we can continue to practice together and experientially explore further the benefit of mindfulness in our lives. 

The Mindfulness Practice group meets, in Douglas Community Centre, Douglas, Cork on the 4th Monday of the month from 7.30 pm. until 9 pm.

The evening will start with a 30-minute meditation followed by discussion and questions. A shorter meditation will follow in response to what arises in the discussions in the group. 


There is no fixed fee for both evenings however there is a possibility to offer an anonymous donation for the teaching and the rent of the room at the end of the sessions.


  • The Pattern, Shanavougha,
    Midleton Co. Cork